
Chinese to English Amazon Listing – Translation and Optimisation

 88,00 99,00 / Service Package.

Native Professionals Specialised in Chinese to English Amazon Listing Copy-writing Provide

  • Comprehensive and Informative Copy
  • Compelling Title and USP High-lights
  • Naturally Integrated SEO Keywords
  • Effective Bullet Points
  • Competitor research and analysis
SKU: N/A Categories: , , Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Quantity based pricing table

Our Amazon Product Listing Optimisation Service includes Professional Translation from Chinese to the desired language, 1 SEO Title, 5 Bullet Points Features, 1 Product Description (Up to 500 Words per Product), Up to 5 Focus Words, Detailed Instruction to Upload to Amazon Seller Central, 7 Days Delivery, 1 x Revision.

We have 15 years of expertise as e-commerce writers and SEO specialists. We offer Amazon Listing Optimisation services in English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian for your product listings on,,,,, and

  • Translation (to the desired language)
  • 1 Product Title
  • 5 Bulletpoint Features 
  • 1 Product Description with strong USPs
  • Up to 5 Focus Words
  • Competitor Research
  • HTML Title

GWM Translation Since 1995

Since 1995, we’ve built a network of translators who are native speakers of Chinese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. Our highly qualified translators and editors come from a wide range of backgrounds and have extensive experience working in a variety of industries.

A translation assignment conducted by only one native linguist, even if the linguist is certified in some way, is never of professional quality, according to our years of industry experience. As a result, every translation project at GWM is handled by a professional team of at least two native linguists, one who is a native translator of the source text language and another who is a native editor of the target text language. Our standard translation procedures are as follows:

  1. Order acceptance from our website. We gather files and background materials from the customer, evaluate the project, and assign it to one of our project teams.
  2. Document Review. Our project team begins to examine and prepare files for translation. We sometimes may need to research key concepts, style guides, and terminology based on preliminary background reading.
  3. Our project team employs CAT software tools to create specialised memories, glossaries, and termbases for the files.
  4. Our native translator with proven competence begins to work on the translation.
  5. Native language experts proofread the translated documents’ grammar, syntax, semantics, and style.
  6. Layout and DTP in all available formats.
  7. Final proofreading, mistake checking, finishing touches, and formatting.
  8. Delivery to the customer.

We encourage our customers to take use of our editing and proofreading services, particularly our SEO editing services, which are becoming increasingly crucial for online content.

SEO Keyword Research | GWM

GWM SEO Keyword Research Services

Keyword Research Is the Most Important Part of Digital Marketing. The following is our standard keyword research procedure:

  1. Examine the client’s niche.
  2. Define the client’s objectives.
  3. Make a list of topics that are relevant to the client.
  4. Make a list of potential seed keywords.
  5. Make effective use of keyword research tools.
  6. Study the search intent.
  7. Identify long tail keywords.
  8. Collect as much information as possible on the client’s competitors.

Amazon Listing Services | GWM

GWM Amazon Product Listing Optimisation Services

We have 15 years of expertise as e-commerce writers and SEO specialists. We offer Amazon Listing Optimisation services in English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian for your product listings on,,,,, and

  • Translation (to the desired language)
  • 1 Product Title
  • 5 Bulletpoint Features 
  • 1 Product Description with strong USPs
  • Up to 5 Focus Words
  • Competitor Research
  • HTML Title

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