
Professional English to Chinese Translation with Native Proofreading

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Enhance Your Communication: Experience Expert English to Chinese Translation and Beyond!

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Elevate Your Business with Precision Translations and Seamless Delivery!

Looking to bridge language gaps effortlessly? Our unrivaled English to Chinese translation services blend professionalism with cutting-edge technology, delivering excellence at every step. At GWM, we understand the importance of clear communication for your business growth. That’s why we’ve meticulously crafted a service that offers accurate translations, on-time delivery, and cost-effectiveness that fits your budget like a glove.

Advantages of Choosing Us:

  • AI-Powered Precision: We’ve harnessed the power of artificial intelligence, with ChatGPT at the helm, to ensure every translation is nothing short of perfect.
  • Human Linguist Expertise: Our team of language specialists adds the human touch, refining translations for nuance and cultural context.
  • Streamlined Work Process: Step into transparency. Our process involves native translators and editors, meticulously working to ensure every detail is flawless.
  • Pricing without Surprises: Say goodbye to hidden fees. Our pricing is crystal clear, calculated per source text page, with flexible options for various word counts.

Why Our Service Stands Out

Imagine a fusion of AI intelligence and human finesse, seamlessly crafting translations that resonate. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • AI Excellence: We leverage the prowess of AI to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Human Expertise: Our language specialists add cultural nuances that only a human touch can provide.
  • Flawless Process: We translate, we refine, we perfect – all with a keen eye for detail.
  • Timely Triumph: On-time delivery is our promise; because we understand the value of your time.

Pricing Transparency

Transparency is key to trust. Our pricing is tailored to your needs, expanding savings as your word count grows. Connect with us via chatbot or email for a quick, precise quote.

Quality Assurance

Precision is our hallmark. Each project is entrusted to a native translator and a target language editor, ensuring linguistic brilliance across domains, from E-Commerce to Scientific Research.

Looking for top-tier English to Chinese Translation services? 

Discover AI-powered accuracy, human finesse, and transparent pricing at Great Wall Media. Your bridge to seamless global communication starts here. Need a customized quote? Get in touch with our chatbot or send us an email at – we’re ready to help right away.

ChatGPT in Translation | GWM

At Great Wall Media, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT and human expert translators in the translation working process is an example of a collaborative approach known as “human-in-the-loop” or “human-AI collaboration.” Our approach combines the strengths of both AI and human expertise to achieve more accurate, efficient, and high-quality translations. Here’s how it typically works in our Translation Service Working Process:

  1. Initial Translation with AI:
    The translation process can start by using AI-powered tools like ChatGPT to generate an initial translation of the source text. AI can quickly provide a draft translation, especially for straightforward and common content.
  2. Human Review and Enhancement:
    After the AI generates the initial translation, our human expert translators come into play. They review the AI-generated translation to ensure accuracy, context, tone, and cultural nuances. Human translators can catch nuances that AI might miss due to their understanding of language and culture.
  3. Editing and Refinement:
    Our human translators also perform editing and refinement to improve the translation quality. They address any errors, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies in the AI-generated translation, making sure the final output is of high quality.
  4. Post-Editing of Machine Translation (PEMT):
    In some cases, a specific approach called “post-editing of machine translation” (PEMT) is used. This involves human translators editing and improving the output of machine translation systems to make it more accurate and natural.
  5. Complex Context and Creativity:
    Our highly experienced human translators excel in handling complex contexts, idiomatic expressions, creative writing, and content that requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances. These are areas where AI might struggle due to its reliance on patterns in data.
  6. Efficiency and Consistency:
    AI can aid human translators in terms of efficiency and consistency. AI tools often incorporate translation memories, glossaries, and terminology databases, ensuring that the translated content aligns with previous translations and established terminology.
  7. Feedback Loop and Continuous Learning:
    The collaboration also allows for a feedback loop where human translators can provide feedback to AI systems, contributing to their improvement over time. AI systems can learn from the corrections and enhancements made by human translators, resulting in more accurate translations in the future.
  8. Large-Scale Projects:
    For large-scale projects with tight deadlines, AI can help generate initial translations quickly, allowing human translators to focus on more nuanced and challenging aspects of the content.

In essence, AI assists human translators by automating certain tasks, providing suggestions, and expediting the translation process. However, human expertise remains crucial for ensuring accurate, contextually appropriate, and culturally sensitive translations. The synergy between AI and our human translators leads to a more efficient and effective translation workflow. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We assure you that the responses you receive will not be generated by a trained AI bot.

Text Pricing Guidelines | GWM

Copywriting, Editing, and Translation Text Pricing Guidelines

At GWM, we adhere to a set of standards to ensure transparent and accurate pricing for our translation services. These guidelines pertain to quoting based on the page count of the source or target text.

Price per Word

All quotations for GWM translation services are determined on a per-word basis in the source language text. Minimum word counts of 200 to 500 words apply, while there is no upper word limit.

Price per Page

GWM’s quoting standards for English text, based on the source language text, are as follows:

  • For a standard A4 page with default 1-inch / 2.5cm margins, 12-point font size, and default 1.15 single line spacing, the average word count is approximately 500 words.
  • When considering subheadings, white spacing, or images, the Client can anticipate around 350 words per A4 sheet.

For Chinese text, the quoting standard per A4 page is as follows:

  • On average, a standard A4 page with default 1-inch / 2.5cm margins, 12-point font size, and default 1.15 single line spacing contains approximately 800 Chinese characters.
  • Factoring in subheadings, white space, and images, the Client should expect roughly 650 characters per A4 sheet.

Drawing from our extensive experience, we’ve established that:

  • Approximately 1000 Chinese characters translate to around 650 English words.
  • Roughly 1000 English words correspond to approximately 1600 Chinese characters.
  • This calculation holds true statistically, with a consistent ratio of 1:0.65.

At GWM, our pricing guidelines are designed to ensure fairness, accuracy, and clarity in all translation projects.

Editing and Proofreading | GWM

GWM Professional Editing and Proofreading Services Enhanced with ChatGPT by Native Specialists

Editing and proofreading constitute pivotal stages in the writing process. They wield influence over not only the elegance of your writing style but also the precision of your concepts. Our service is dedicated to ensuring that you can convey your intentions with utmost clarity and efficacy, with an added layer of support from ChatGPT.

Our editing process integrates ChatGPT as a powerful tool for comprehensive content review. This involves meticulous fact-checking, refining passages for enhanced clarity and conciseness, seamlessly restructuring the text to ensure smooth flow, refining vocabulary choices, and adjusting the tone to resonate with your intended audience. We also ensure that these edits align with your preferred style guide, creating a harmonious and professional outcome.

In tandem, our proofreading service leverages ChatGPT to meticulously examine grammar, punctuation, and spelling. We adeptly rephrase sentences with the assistance of ChatGPT to ensure seamless coherence, tailor terminology to align with the document’s purpose and genre, eliminate redundancy, and edit for succinctness. The integration of ChatGPT adds an extra layer of precision to our meticulous process.

GWM Translation Since 1995

Since 1995, we’ve built a network of translators who are native speakers of Chinese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. Our highly qualified translators and editors come from a wide range of backgrounds and have extensive experience working in a variety of industries.

A translation assignment conducted by only one native linguist, even if the linguist is certified in some way, is never of professional quality, according to our years of industry experience. As a result, every translation project at GWM is handled by a professional team of at least two native linguists, one who is a native translator of the source text language and another who is a native editor of the target text language. Our standard translation procedures are as follows:

  1. Order acceptance from our website. We gather files and background materials from the customer, evaluate the project, and assign it to one of our project teams.
  2. Document Review. Our project team begins to examine and prepare files for translation. We sometimes may need to research key concepts, style guides, and terminology based on preliminary background reading.
  3. Our project team employs CAT software tools to create specialised memories, glossaries, and termbases for the files.
  4. Our native translator with proven competence begins to work on the translation.
  5. Native language experts proofread the translated documents’ grammar, syntax, semantics, and style.
  6. Layout and DTP in all available formats.
  7. Final proofreading, mistake checking, finishing touches, and formatting.
  8. Delivery to the customer.

We encourage our customers to take use of our editing and proofreading services, particularly our SEO editing services, which are becoming increasingly crucial for online content.

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